

I had a goal this last year to read 60 books, I read a total of 54

Here are a list of the favs and a list of don't waste your time.


Feeling Good-David Burns M.D.
How to Make Friends and Influence People-Dale Carnegie
The Secret Garden-Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Jungle Book-Rudyard Kipling
The Kite Runner- Khaled Hosseini
Frankenstien-Mary Shelley (New All Time Favorite)
The Bridge to Terabithia-Katherine Paterson
Joseph Smith's Teachings
Stuff White People Like- Christian Lander (Made me Laugh)
Power Yoga-Berly Bender Berch
The Uglies- Scott Westerfeld
Life Of Pi-Yann Martel
Les Miserables- Victor Hugo (Every book sucked after I read this one)
The Act of Marriage- Tim and Beverly LaHaye
Memoirs of a Geisha-Arthur Golden
Jesus the Christ- Talmage
A Little Princess-Frances Hodgson Burnett
Number the Stars-Lois Lowry
The Screwtape Letters- C.S.Lewis
Great Expectations- Charles Dickens
Pregnancy Day by Day-Dr. Maggie Blott
History of Creativity-Mark Davis
HypnoBirthing-Marie Mongan
The Help-Kathryn Stockett (Couldn't Put it down)

Don't Even bother with...

The Wizard of Oz
A Chance in Time (horrible.)
Reading Lolita in Tehran (zzzz)


Half Iron...Full Man

-1.2 mile swim
-56 mile bike ride
-13.1 mile run

Tyler did his second Half Iron man this summer.
I'm so proud of his dedication and determination to train for this race. I have a lot of respect for long distance runners, it's not easy. It's physically and mentally demanding. While every joint and muscle is crying out in agony it takes all you got to 'just keep going' Lets just face it long distance runners are underrated athletes.
In my opinion, the only thing harder than long distance running is long distance swimming. The race begins with a swim across the lake, something I have never had the guts to do. Besides my fear of swimming in open waters I have never been a good swimmer. *Bows down to swimmers*

I love seeing women do this race along side the guys, its empowering to me even though I'm just cheering on the sideline.
Tyler's sister Tressa did the race along side him. I was so proud of them both.

I was inspired being around these hardcore athletes, I hope to someday to be able to run again.


March-April 2011

Here we are along in the 8th going on 9 months of marriage, it's been a good loving/learning/growing experience.
We love living in the big little city, we feel more at home here. It's good to feel diversity again and I'm loving the state of mind people have here and that state of mind is "people are just different."
Therefore, WE ARE HAPPY!

In the past 3 months living here we have decided....
-Our apartment sucks- it's freezing! The shower sucks. Our morning showers resemble the scene in the movie ELF.
We can't wait to move.
-We love the neighborhood, it's all vintagey and quaint.
-Blaming liberals can be added to almost any joke's punchline.
-Our land lord resembles Mr. wiggle from Elmo and is possibly gay
-I Kristina, have officaly decided that I hate Lady Gaga, but hey I guess somebody has to represent tranvestites everywhere.
-We are becoming better and more creative cooks.

Update on members of the household (in order of age from oldest to youngest)

Larry Csonka is coming up on his 120th birthday!!! (that is 3 in human years) He is slowly becoming more poliet and it's almost safe to say that his swearing problem is getting under control. He is a good kid.

Tyler is coming up on the end of his internship and is graduating in APRIL! SO PUT UP YO HANDS AND CELEBRATE!!!!
Mr. is also getting ready for a marathon and half iron man this summer and is looking forward to a deserved vacation. He also got new socks.

Kristina got a new bike and has a newly gained fetish with eggs in decor.


Can't Get ENOUGH....

...of Zoƫ Keating!!!
She is one amazing avant-garde cellist.

She has cool hair, wears cool clothes and plays cool music, maybe she will come over and have tea and crumpets with us and teach us about the cello.

For further listening, check out her song 'Into the Trees'

-Kristina Beans

March Madness

Tyler Got the JOB!
We put up our hands and did the dance of celebration.
It kinda looked like this....


I hate anxiety attacks that come from eating at buffets.
I feel like a cow grazing.
I don't like the unspoken battle with the old people and waiting in line.



Kristina's Summer in 60 seconds

School ends, summer begins.
Muse :)
Hanging out with Tyler Face.
Modest Mouse :)
Wedded to my best friend for time and all eternity. <3
Off Road picnicing.
Obsession with goat cheese.
Ben Folds :)
Canadians United.
Summer Ends, School begins.