
Kristina's Summer in 60 seconds

School ends, summer begins.
Muse :)
Hanging out with Tyler Face.
Modest Mouse :)
Wedded to my best friend for time and all eternity. <3
Off Road picnicing.
Obsession with goat cheese.
Ben Folds :)
Canadians United.
Summer Ends, School begins.

Tyler's summer 2010 in 60 seconds

School was out April 21 and it's back in tomorrow, it went by quick but here are a few nouns to paint a beautiful panorama of what this summer was about...vacuum (early morning slave labor on campus), needles (for lab blood draws and not drugs), concerts (Ben Folds, Modest Mouse, Dave Matthews, and an upcoming Sufjan Stevens), Marathon, MARRIAGE to one KRISTINA, Park City, Canada, Chemistry Stockroom Forever, Kanab, and living it up with the Mrs. Some of those weren't nouns but were still useful.